Rumpfstabi:  die besten Übungen, Teil 2

After the first exercises, our trainer Stephan now presents you with the second series of stability exercises. On the mat, get set, go!

Plank IV

Back in the plank - we increase the level of difficulty. From the basic position, lift one leg off the floor and keep the straight leg in the air. Find your balance, make sure your footing is stable and hold your leg up for 10 seconds. Then put your foot back down and lift your other leg off the floor for 10 seconds.

Plank V

If that was still too easy for you, there is the following option: in addition to one leg, lift the opposite arm (e.g. right arm / left leg) off the floor and hold this position again for 10 seconds. This requires a lot of balance due to the narrow axis of stability. Then switch sides.

Plank VI

This variant is an addition to the exercise "Forearm support III": pushing out of the forearm support into the push-up position is supplemented by performing a push-up. After the push-up, back to the forearm support. 5 - 10 repetitions.








Rowing is a dynamic full-body exercise that primarily targets the deep abdominal muscles. To do this, sit upright on the mat, lifting your legs off the floor so that your heels are a few inches off the floor. Exercise: Bend your legs while simultaneously pushing your upper body and arms forward. Then stretch your legs out again and do the rowing stroke with your upper body and arms. Make sure that you don't tilt your upper body too far backwards or even completely lay your back down. The feet are in the air the whole time. Execute 10-15 strokes of the row in this way.





wing beats in prone position

Starting position Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out to your sides. Raise and lower the stretched arms out from the shoulders in a very small amplitude but high frequency, i.e. mini wing beats. Alternatively, you can also make a slight circular movement so that you do mini arm circles forwards/backwards. 20-30 seconds load duration.

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Bend & stretch your arms

Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out to your sides. Now bend your arms to your body, then stretch them out in front of you - pay attention to maximum stretching. Then bend back and stretch out to the side. Perform the movements slowly but fluidly, 10-15 repetitions.






Arm and leg raises in prone position

An exercise with which you train the entire muscular chain. Lie on your stomach, starting position with your arms stretched out in front of you and your hands off the floor. Now alternately lift your right arm and left leg at the same time, lower them both again and perform the movement in the other diagonal. Alternating lifting and lowering in fluid motion. Try not to completely lay your arms and legs down. 6 - 10 repetitions per side.




hip raises

An exercise with static and dynamic components. Starting position: Lie on your back, knees bent, hips pushed up. Now stretch one leg up and away so that the thighs are still parallel. Stabilize the posture by actively pressing the heel of the loaded leg into the floor and tensing the gluteal muscles. Keep your hips up and hold the position for 5-10 seconds. As an additional dynamic component, you can now slowly lower your hips without laying them completely on the floor and then actively push them back up. 5 - 10 repetitions. Then switch the loading leg.

wall sitting

Finally, a popular exercise for the thighs: "wall sitting". Lean your back against a wall and lower your center of gravity so that your hip and knee angles are at 90°. The holding work is done almost exclusively with the thighs. Hold the "sitting" position for 30-60 seconds.

Enjoy the training!

You can find more exercises here


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